SECTION 8 – Employment Documents

To use the following fillable forms they must first be downloaded to your computer. You can then complete the appropriate fields, save, and submit.

8.1   Hiring Forms

8.1      Hiring Forms

Code of Conduct and Business Ethics

Fraud Policy

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SECTION 7 – General Policies

7.1   Environmental Responsibility Policy

7.2   Financial Records Administration and Retention Policy

7.3   Expense Reporting Policy (Including Travel)

7.4   Cash Handling Policy

7.5   Managing Guest Complaints Policy

7.6   Inclement Weather Policy

7.7   Volunteer Policy

7.1      Environmental Responsibility Policy


The employer promotes and maintains environmentally responsible practices for the benefit of our employees, customers and the communities in which we operate.  We will conduct and grow our business in a manner that respects the environment and strive to protect and conserve our world’s natural resources.


This policy applies to all employees and corporate operations always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to environmental responsibility. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer is working towards continued improvement through the development of programs designed to address the environmental cost and impact of our activities, facilities and services.  We will:

  • Comply with applicable regulations and standards in the industry;
  • Support pollution prevention and minimization programs in the workplace;
  • Use materials and energy efficiently to conserve natural resources;
  • Minimize the emissions that contribute to climate change;
  • Cooperate and develop relationships with our community, suppliers, contractors, government agencies, and other organizations engaged in improving the environment;
  • Review environmental objectives and monitor performance, so that we can properly assess our strengths and weaknesses, and address them accordingly.

The employer recognizes that every action taken in the workplace can have an environmental impact.  We will strive to create an eco-friendly workplace that will benefit our employees, guests and the community around us.  To lessen our environmental impact and to increase our efficiency, save electricity, reduce waste and greenhouse gases, and fulfill our responsibilities to the environment, the employer will develop and implement environmental measures and initiatives such as:

  1. Whenever possible, all documents shall be printed on both sides, using recycled paper. This will reduce our paper usage, conserve energy, and save waste.
  2. Hold paperless meetings by utilizing technologies such as ‘go to meeting’ and material display and review via projector instead of handouts.
  3. Partner with suppliers and companies that are environmentally friendly.
  4. Use an automated time reporting and paperless payroll system.
  5. Refill our printer cartridges, rather than purchase new ones.
  6. Diligently recycle all paper, cardboard, glass, tins, PCs, and recyclable plastics.
  7. Ensure that computers are turned off at the end of the day, and if not possible, turn off monitors as they consume the most energy.
  8. Purchase energy efficient equipment.
  9. Replace antiquated office equipment with EPA energy star compliant equipment.
  10. Use hand dryers in restrooms, rather than paper towels.
  11. Create a wireless office.
  12. Purchase environmentally friendly office supplies.
  13. Minimize the use of hazardous chemicals, and whenever possible, switch to greener alternatives.

These are simple actions that when employed on a regular basis, can create a huge impact, but it will take all employees working together to make this happen.

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7.2      Financial Records Administration and Retention Policy


The employer has adopted this policy to ensure that all financial records regarding business activities are documented and retained appropriately. The employer will retain all financial records to ensure the management and assessment of performance, and to comply with Canada Revenue Agency regulations, as well as all applicable local, provincial and federal regulations.


This policy applies to all employees and all business units always and without exception.

Unionized employees shall adhere to their current Collective Agreement for policies governing financial records administration and retention. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Each department shall ensure that all financial records generated are provided to their financial department for appropriate filing and retention purposes per the following:

  • Individual Employee Payroll Information: Records must be retained for a period of seven years following retirement or separation from the company.
  • Taxable Income: Records must be retained for a period of six years following the end of the fiscal year in which they were generated.

Financial records shall be stored using the most efficient form of media available, within reason. The employer shall strive to archive all records electronically, and in a secure manner. To safeguard the financial records of the employer, records that are of high importance/value shall be stored securely in an off-site location.

Financial records may be disposed of upon the expiration of the required retention period, unless they are required as evidence or to support a current investigation, audit or legal action.

Access to financial records shall be limited to authorized personnel only, and information maintained within the records shall be maintained as confidential, unless otherwise required by law.

The employer shall ensure documentation that includes salary and/or any other compensation information is maintained as strictly confidential.

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7.3      Expense Reporting Policy


This policy details the procedures and guidelines pertaining to the reimbursement of expenses incurred because of authorized employer business.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to expense reporting. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


It is the policy of the employer to reimburse personnel for reasonable expenses incurred while conducting company business. To ensure accuracy and integrity concerning the reimbursement of expenses the employer will require employees to receive approval prior to incurring business-related expenses and will further require such expenses to be reported utilizing an expense report.


All company transportation will be conducted in the most economical manner possible.  Whenever possible, tickets must be booked at least seven days in advance to benefit from any discounts offered by the carrier, or through the negotiations made by the employer. All tickets shall be purchased from employer preferred vendors.

  • Air travel may be required for employees traveling more than 500 km/300 miles.
  • Coach class shall be used as the standard in the interests of cost-savings.
  • The cost of public transportation (i.e. taxis, buses or subways), will be reimbursed contingent on production of a receipt. Expenses related to personal travel will not be reimbursed.
  • Employees may use their own vehicle for business travel purposes if it is deemed less expensive than the rental of a car, public transportation, or if it offers a significant savings of time. The employee must have business use coverage through his/her personal insurance provider.
  • The employer will reimburse employees per the Canada Revenue Agencies guidelines for mileage reimbursement. This considers all actual expenses including fuel, oil, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, etc. Parking, tolls, and ferries will be reimbursed.
  • Expenses related to the cost of commuting to work are not reimbursable.
  • Any traffic violations, including parking tickets, are the explicit responsibility of the vehicle driver and will not be reimbursed by the company.
  • When renting a car, compact or economy models will be used. Exceptions may be made regarding vehicle size in the event of two or more passengers, or load requirements. Any exceptions must have written approval prior to their reservation.
  • Rental of vehicles should be discouraged in metropolitan areas that have substantial public transportation services available.
  • Personal liability and physical damage insurance is required on all rented vehicles, either pre-arranged through company negotiations with a preferred vendor or through standard renting from a non-preferred vendor.
  • In the event of damage to a rental car, contact management immediately. All accidents must be reported in writing immediately upon return, or earlier with trips lasting more than three days after damage has occurred. A police report where applicable, is also required.
  • Employees are required to fill the gas tank prior to the return of the rental car. The employee renting the vehicle may be required to personally reimburse the fuel surcharge fee if he/she fails to fill the vehicle gas tank prior to return.
  • Pre-purchase of gas at the rental counter is discouraged.
  • With respect to train travel, all reservations will be made in coach class.
  • Bus travel will only be used when travel by other means is not feasible, or when specifically requested by the employee.


  • While away standard meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be reimbursed based on approved receipts. Employees are encouraged to be reasonable when making dining decisions and consider what would be a normal meal if they were not away.


  • Reservations for accommodations should be made with mid-range hotels.
  • In the interests of economy, minimum requirement reservations (i.e., single traveler – single occupancy) should be made.
  • Reservations should be made with preferred vendors.
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to cancel reservations by 4:00 pm (hotel local time). Room costs incurred due to failure to cancel will not be reimbursed.


  • The employer will provide reimbursement for costs incurred during the pre-approved entertainment of current and/or potential clients.

Training and Education Fees

  • Employees that wish to receive training or education through third party sources must request approval prior to the authorization of the reimbursement of funds.

Claim Procedures

  • Employees are expected to submit an expense account report within 48 hours upon their return from any business travel, or monthly for all other business-related expenses.
  • Employees are obligated to retain and submit receipts for all transactions which they expect a reimbursement for.
  • Receipts where possible must be a vendor specific receipt and not a payment slip such as a receipt from using a debit or credit card. Receipts should always detail the transaction items, subtotal and taxes. Receipts should also note the vendor’s HST number where applicable.

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7.4      Cash Handling Policy


This policy is intended to communicate cash-handling and management procedures.


This policy applies to the employer and its employees, specifically those responsible for the collection and storage of funds received by the company.

Unionized employees shall adhere to their current Collective Agreement for policies governing cash handling and storage. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer has developed and implemented the following cash handling and cash management guidelines to prevent the mishandling of funds and to mitigate against loss associated with the mishandling of such funds. Employees are expected to strictly adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. At no point, may cash/funds be left unattended. This measure has been adopted to avoid the potential for theft or robbery.
  2. Access to cash storage devices must be limited to authorized personnel only, including cashiers, management and department heads.
  3. All cash is to be reported at the close of business and accounted for through a balanced report of sales; cash is to be deposited into an appropriate storage device, e.g. register, safe or lock-box with a witness present.
  4. Delivery of cash to the bank shall be performed by a designated employee from the accounting department or executive management team.

Cash Collection Points

  1. All cash collected must be received using an appropriate device such as a cash register, and a receipt must be generated. This measure has been adopted to ensure that all transactions are properly recorded, and documentation is created.
  2. All cash received and counted at the close of business must balance with the records indicated by the registers.
  3. Prior to the delivery of cash for deposit at the bank, a deposit slip must be created stating the total amounts.
  4. Coins must be rolled for the purposes of bank deposits.
  5. Where required, cash collection points will be provided with a float to ensure that transactions may be completed efficiently, and change may be made appropriately.

Petty Cash Funds

  1. Any request for petty cash funds must be made by submitting the completed and approved petty cash form to the designated person. The request must state the reason for the request, the posting code and the amount required.
  2. Petty cash funds are to be managed by the designated representative at each property. All petty cash funds will be kept in a secure location under lock and key.
  3. Petty cash shall not be used for the purposes of any form of loan or salary advance.
  4. Petty cash requests shall not exceed $100. For funding requests in excess of $100.00, please forward your request to the general manager.

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7.5      Managing Guest Complaints Policy


Working in the hospitality industry may result in situations where employees encounter dissatisfied and/or angry customers/guests. There are effective methods to neutralize these situations and provide peaceful resolutions; this policy has been adopted to ensure that employees are provided with a set of guidelines for receiving and managing guest complaints and where required, dealing with angry customers.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees shall adhere to their current Collective Agreement for policies governing managing guest complaints. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


When a customer complaint is addressed in a professional and courteous manner, the chance that the customer becomes disgruntled, angry or hostile diminishes greatly.

Employees are to take ownership of the complaint and resolve it in a satisfactory manner as efficiently as possible. Once resolved, employees are required to ask if the actions taken were to the guests’ satisfaction and expectations. If the guest is still unhappy, the employee should escalate the matter to a member of the management team.

All complaints require immediate attention and response. Employees are also encouraged to take the time necessary to assist their fellow employees in problem resolution to make the guest stay experience enjoyable.

The following guest service procedures should be utilized with all customers/guests and in doing so, may quickly diffuse a situation where a customer/guest begins to get angry:

  • Greet all customers/guests in a friendly tone, and welcome them to the hotel.
  • Give the customer your full attention, and use active listening skills to ensure that they know you are working with them. Try paraphrasing the questions/concerns of the customer to show them that you are actively engaged in providing them with assistance.
  • Repeat the guests concern back to them to ensure that you have understood them correctly.
  • Attempt to resolve the situation as quickly as possible for the guest per hotel policy and within your assigned responsibility. Do not make any promises to the guest that cannot be delivered upon.
  • Always attempt to reason with the guest and ensure that they understand the company policy, and why that policy is in place. Ensure that they understand that we must treat each customer fairly, and equally.
  • If the client’s requests are unreasonable, beyond your responsibility or ability to resolve, let the guest know that you will involve the manager on shift and/or employee responsible for guest services. In such situations employees are required to locate management immediately, inform them of the situation and allow management to find an appropriate and acceptable resolution to the situation.

The following are additional guidelines to be followed by employees encountering an unhappy or hostile guest.

Avoid Engaging in Conflict

  • Remember that the customer may be angry for several reasons and try not to take it personally. While we strive to offer customer service that will meet or exceed the expectations of our guests/customers, we need to understand that sometimes there will be external forces such as issues at home, etc. that create anger or hostility in customers, and regardless of the actions that we take, we may be unable to make the customer happy.
  • Always maintain professionalism and do not engage in a heated argument with the customer as this will only make the situation worse.
  • Use logic and kindness to attempt to get the situation under control.

Determine the Customer’s Needs

  • Determine what the initial issue is/was, what was or can be done, and offer them a solution, or offer to escalate the situation to a specialist or manager.
  • Try to determine what they need, and what it is that they want to tell you. Sometimes a customer will simply want to vent their anger and be heard.
  • Be sure to acknowledge their anger, and where possible, attempt to alleviate the issue or solve the problem.
  • Do not brush off their anger or ignore them as this may lead to increased anger.

Observe the Customer on Approach

  • Be observant, and pay close attention to your customers. An upset or angry customer will generally display visible characteristics like clenched fists, a red face, agitated behaviours, etc.
  • If you notice a customer exhibiting behaviours associated with hostility/anger, prepare yourself for a potential situation, and remain composed and professional.

Relate to the Customer

  • Try to speak with the customer in a way that shows them that you understand and can sympathize with the issue, while working with them to find an agreeable resolution. An angry customer will generally decrease their hostility when they realise that you care and are genuinely interested in their issue.

Thank the Customer

  • Regardless of how angry a customer is, thank them for their business, patience and understanding during the problem resolution process.
  • Apologize for their inconvenience, and assure the customer/guest that we will rectify the situation and ensure them that we will do our best to prevent it from happening again.

When a guest exhibits increased hostility and/or is threatening or becoming violent, the employee is required to contact security immediately. At no time should an employee attempt to handle such a situation on their own. While the provision of exceptional customer service is of the upmost importance, our number one priority is to ensure employee and customer/guest safety.

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7.6      Inclement Weather Policy


This policy is intended to communicate attendance expectations for employees in the event of inclement weather.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to inclement weather. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


We are a hospitality company that aspires to be the property of choice for travelers. In order to achieve this, the employer will provide its guests with quality facilities and exceptional guest services at all times, regardless of the day, hour or weather.

As the employer is open 24/7, 365 days a year, regular attendance for scheduled shifts is required. While the occurrence of inclement weather such as snow storms or other extreme weather conditions may make it difficult for some employees to commute to work, it is expected that all employees will make the best possible effort to arrive for their scheduled shift regardless of weather conditions to ensure the continued and effective operation of the hotel. Unless notified otherwise, or pending a police ordered road-closure, employees of will be expected to arrive, on-time, for regularly scheduled work.

  • In the event of either extreme cold weather conditions, extreme inclement weather conditions or a combination of both, employees should make the best possible effort to arrive to work for their scheduled shift. Employees are requested to watch weather conditions and allow ample travel time to compensate for unfavourable road conditions.
  • Employees should make the best possible effort to attend work during adverse weather conditions, however, employees shall not be expected to put their lives in danger to make their shift at the hotel. Employees are asked to use their best judgement in determining whether to travel. Employees are expected to contact on-shift management as soon as possible to inform them of their absence due to weather conditions.

If there are extreme levels of inclement weather during a regularly scheduled work day, management will be responsible for regularly monitoring local weather forecasts/reports, and determining when to send any employees home.  Employees are required to wait for direction from management prior to leaving the workplace before the end of their regularly scheduled shift.  If an employee leaves work without advance permission, they will be subject to disciplinary action for abandoning their shift without authorization.

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7.7      Volunteer Policy


The employer recognizes it is our responsibility as a good corporate citizen to help strengthen the communities in which we live and work and encourages employees to lend their voluntary support to programs that enrich the quality of life and opportunities for all citizens.  The employer will devote time and energy to programs, associations and organizations whose goals are considered strategically relevant to the mission of the company.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to volunteerism.  Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer requires that any organization, event or association that requires the volunteer efforts of the company or an employee of the company, meet the following standards:

  • The organization, association or event are categorized as having an alignment with the employer’s values and beliefs, and provides a benefit to the community.
  • The organization, association or event has obtained appropriate levels of insurance for volunteers. All registered volunteers should be covered against general liability claims made by another person because of their volunteer work.
  • Any health and safety risks are clearly identified, and appropriate training is provided.
  • A clearly communicated volunteer screening process is consistently applied.
  • Volunteer assignments address the purpose of the organization, association or event and involve volunteers in meaningful ways – reflecting their various abilities and experience.
  • Volunteers will receive orientation to the organization, and receive training for their volunteer assignment.
  • Volunteers receive appropriate levels of supervision and are given opportunities to receive and give feedback.

Volunteer time should not conflict with the employee’s work schedule or create a need for overtime. Time away from work for volunteering purposes should occur during lunchtime, before work, after work, or on the weekends depending upon the type of volunteer program the employee is involved in.  In extenuating circumstances and with the prior approval of management, volunteer time may occur within the regular business day (ie: charity golf tournament).

Employees are expected to adhere to company policies regarding confidentiality, harassment, conflict of interest, and health and safety while performing their volunteer work as they are acting as representatives of the company.

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SECTION 6 – Technology

6.1   Communications Policy

6.2   Management iPhone Policy

6.3   Personal Mobile Device Policy

6.4   Corporate Software Policy

6.5   Internet Acceptable Use Policy

6.6   Email Best Practices Policy

6.7   Social Media Policy

6.8   Network Security Policy

6.1      Communications Policy


This policy is intended to cover office telephones, cellular telephones, PDAs, Blackberries, two-way radios, and all other forms of portable communication devices. This policy shall also outline standards, guidelines and procedures for appropriate use related to such devices.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to this Communication Policy. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer provides office phones, computers and cell phones to eligible employees in order that business operations may be conducted smoothly and efficiently. Whether utilizing an office landline or company-provided cell phone, employees are expected to use such devices for the purpose they have been provided for.

Communication devices and service packages used to conduct business must be used responsibly, ethically, and cost-effectively always, therefore, the following policy statements must be adhered to always:

  1. Employees are directed to utilize office telephones, their personal or company-supplied cellular phones for business purposes only during regular business hours.
  2. Employees are asked to use the same discretion in using personal cell phones as they use with company phones. Excessive personal calls during the workday, regardless of the phone used, can interfere with employee productivity and be distracting to others.
  3. Employees are requested to inform their friends and family of the company’s Communication Policy to avoid unnecessary incoming landline or cell phone calls during the work day.
  4. The employer shall not be liable for the damage or loss of personal cellular phones brought into the workplace.
  5. Employees are strictly prohibited from using cellular phones for any other available purpose (e.g. internet access, gaming, music) during business hours. These functions may be used during scheduled breaks or lunch periods in non-working areas.
Relevant Documents

Personal Mobile Device Policy

Management Mobile Device Policy

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6.2      Management iPhone Policy


The employer will, at its discretion and in accordance with this policy, provide management employees with mobile devices and telecom carrier services, at the employer’s expense, for the primary purpose of conducting company business. All mobile devices that are paid for in full or in part by the employer are the property of the employer and the employee is responsible for ensuring the appropriate use of the mobile device, as well as the security and safe keeping of the mobile device as outlined in this policy.


This policy applies to management employees who have been provided with a mobile device at the expense of the company and includes any form of wireless communication device provided to the employer to the employee that is capable of transmitting packet data.  The employer may at its discretion, choose not to provide a mobile device to a management employee, even though the employee may be eligible.

Unionized employees shall adhere to their current Collective Agreement for policies governing mobile device use. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer agrees to provide its management employees with a mobile device provided through a national carrier. The monthly usage costs for the mobile device will be paid by the company.  The employer reserves the right to deduct from the employee’s pay any monthly charges that are more than monthly usage/consumption targets, if such monthly charges are proven to be non-business related.

Employees are responsible for staying within their allotted mobile allowance.  Charges associated with using a company provided mobile device for personal communications including text messages, email and voice calling will count towards the monthly consumption limit. Therefore, personal use of a company provided mobile device should be minimized. Mobile device usage reports will be communicated to the individual employee anytime there is an overage in the established and agreed upon allowable charges.

Company provided mobile devices remain the property of the employer and are therefore revocable at any time.  Company provided mobile devices and all packaged accessories must be returned to the employer upon resignation or termination of employment and must be in proper working order and like new condition.  Any cost to repair or replace a company provided mobile device will be covered by the employee unless there is deemed to be a manufacturing defect.

The employer expects its employees to use their mobile devices prudently during working hours. Excessive use of mobile devices for non-business purposes can mean a decline in efficiency; it is to the benefit of all to consciously restrict personal use of mobile devices during working hours.

Management mobile device spend will be monitored monthly. Access to the telephone numbers which have been dialed by the employee will only be requested when non-compliant activity has been detected in compliance with corporate usage and privacy laws.

The safety of employees is critical to our ongoing success. Therefore, the employer requires all employees with a company issued mobile device to utilize hands-free equipment when using the mobile device while operating a vehicle.  Employees should also use voice activated calling or pre-programmed numbers to prevent distraction from safe driving. Any other mobile device enabled activity that prevents an employee from focusing on driving such as surfing the internet, text messaging, checking email, use of applications, or other activities, is prohibited.

No employee is to use company-owned mobile devices for illegal transactions, harassment, or obscene behavior, in accordance with other existing employee policies.

The following rules always apply for company-issued phones and other mobile devices:

  • Company-issued phones are to be used for business purposes only and be preserved in as close to perfect condition as possible
  • The download or upload of inappropriate, illegal or obscene material through a corporate internet connection is prohibited
  • The use of a cell phone’s camera or microphone to record confidential information is strictly prohibited
  • It is recommended that employees turn off their phones/devices or keep them on vibrate to minimize disruption in the office

The company retains the right to monitor employees for excessive or inappropriate use of their company provided mobile devices.

For an action that constitutes a breach of security, violation of the confidentiality policy or cause of an accident the employee may face severe disciplinary repercussions up to and including termination. Failure to comply with this policy will result in appropriate remedial action, which may include but is not limited to revocation of privileges or disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of employment.

Relevant Documents

Communications Policy

Personal Mobile Device Policy

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6.3      Personal Mobile Device Policy


This cell phone policy is designed to detail the company’s attitude towards the use of personal mobile devices in the workplace. We recognize that mobile devices and smartphones have become an integral part of everybody’s life and believe they may be a great asset in the workplace if used correctly (for productivity apps, calendars, business calls etc.).This policy clarifies the allowances and restrictions of personal mobile device use.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees shall adhere to their current Collective Agreement for policies governing personal mobile device use. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Despite their benefits, mobile devices may cause significant problems in the workplace. The reasons for this include:

  • The distraction of employees by regularly checking their phones
  • The time subtracted from actual working hours by the mundane use of mobile devices
  • The interference on colleagues’ jobs by speaking on the phone
  • Misuse of the company’s internet connection

The employer expects its employees to use their mobile devices prudently while working. Excessive use of cell phones for non-business purposes results in a decline in the employee’s efficiency which will show up in their performance reviews. It is therefore to the benefit of all to consciously restrict personal use of mobile devices.

  • The following rules always apply for personal phones and other mobile devices:
  • The use of a phone for any reason while driving a vehicle is prohibited.
  • The use of mobile devices within earshot of someone else’s work space during work hours is not allowed.
  • The download or upload of inappropriate, illegal or obscene material through a corporate internet connection is prohibited.
  • The use of a cell phone’s camera or microphone to record confidential information is strictly prohibited.
  • Employees are prohibited use of their phones within the view or ear shot of any guests/customers.
  • It is recommended that employees turn off their phones/devices or keep them on vibrate to minimize disruption in the office.

The use of phones and other mobile devices should be reserved to:

  • Breaks or lunch hour
  • While in a parked company vehicle
  • To briefly check important messages
  • In an emergency, to make brief personal calls away from the working space of colleagues/guests/customers
  • To make business calls
  • To use productivity apps or other useful job tools

The company retains the right to monitor employees for excessive or inappropriate use of their mobile devices. If it is discovered that an employee’s mobile device usage causes a decline in productivity or interferes with work, the company will further restrict that employee from using their mobile device(s) while onsite and during their work hours.

For an action that constitutes a breach of security, violation of the confidentiality policy or cause of an accident, the employee may face severe disciplinary repercussions up to and including termination. The employer is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage to a personal device of any employee.

Relevant Documents

Management Mobile Device Policy

Personal Mobile Device Policy

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6.4      Corporate Software Policy


The employer regularly requires the use of various software packages to conduct business effectively.  As such, when licensing third party software, the employer will respect all copyright protection legislation.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to this software policy. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer will adhere to all applicable legislation and regulations in the performance of our corporate activities, including copyright legislation and software license agreements.

The employer strictly prohibits the creation and/or use of pirated software, illegal file sharing, downloads and/or uploads of copyright materials and will apply appropriate disciplinary actions in the event of any breach of this policy. Unauthorized duplication of software can create unnecessary legal liability for both the company and the employee in terms of both civil and criminal penalties under Canada’s Copyright Act.

All purchased software must be registered to the employer and the department that will utilize it. To avoid issues involving staff turnover, the employer will not register software in the name of the individual user.

The employer shall retain the original copy of the purchased software, as well as all applicable warranty information, user manuals, license agreements, and receipts in an appropriate location for storage.  The employer shall create and maintain a backup copy for use in an emergency.

Any materials downloaded must be scanned using anti-virus software prior to installation.

If an employee requires the use of software for working from home, they must contact management to determine if the license agreement will allow for this.

Employees are prohibited from installing or otherwise using software or other copyrighted material that has not been authorized by the company. As such, any software brought from home cannot be used in the employer computers.

The employer may perform a software audit on any company owned computer, at any time, to ensure compliance with the Corporate Software Policy.

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6.5      Internet Acceptable Use Policy


The purpose of this policy is to outline and ensure that internet resources are used appropriately when conducting business on behalf of the employer. Within this policy, “internet resources” include, but are not limited to: Web access, FTP (file transfer protocol) servers, the intranet, and the employer domain names and IP addresses.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to this Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Computer equipment and internet access is the property of the employer and must be used in accordance with company policies. Gaming, Facebook, dating sites such as Plenty of Fish, pornographic or defamatory sites and file sharing of any kind are strictly forbidden. Usage must relate to the employee’s function within the company. Misuse of the internet will result in disciplinary actions up to and including immediate dismissal.

  • Internet access is managed via individual user accounts and confidential passwords. With respect to account setup and network administration, department managers are responsible for identifying and recommending network access levels for staff members in their department.
  • All user names and passwords for must be supplied to management.
  • If an employee forgets, or believes that their password has become compromised, the employee must inform management immediately. Management shall confirm the user name, reset the password, and inform the employee of changes made, and the procedures for changing their password.
  • When employment is terminated, management will notify the department or employee in charge of that location’s information technology to ensure the removal of the former employee’s access to email and internet resources. This is an important measure in protecting the safety and integrity of the employer’s resources.

Employees may use the internet only to complete their job duties, under the purview of their business objectives.  Permissible, acceptable, and appropriate internet-related work activities include:

  1. Researching, accumulating, and disseminating any information related to the accomplishment of the user’s assigned responsibilities.
  2. Conducting professional development activities (e.g. news groups, chat sessions, discussion groups, posting to bulletin boards, webinars, etc.) as they relate to meeting the user’s job requirements. In instances where the personal opinions of the user are expressed, a disclaimer must be included asserting that such opinions are not necessarily those of the employer.

Internet use shall comply with all federal and provincial laws, and will not violate other policies. Inappropriate and unacceptable Internet use includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Usage for illegal purposes, such as theft, fraud, slander, libel, defamation of character, harassment (sexual and non-sexual), stalking, identity theft, online gambling, spreading viruses, spamming, impersonation, intimidation, and plagiarism/copyright infringement.
  2. Any usage that conflicts with existing policies and/or any usage that conflicts with the employer’s mission, goals, and reputation.
  3. Downloading unreasonably large files or streaming videos that may hinder network performance.
  4. Accessing, downloading, or printing any content that exceeds the bounds of good taste and moral values (i.e. pornography).
  5. Engaging in any other activity which would in any way bring discredit, disrepute, or litigation upon the employer.
  6. Engaging in personal online commercial activities, including offering services or products for sale or soliciting services or products from online providers.
  7. Engaging in any activity that could compromise the security of host servers or computers. All passwords shall not be disclosed to, or shared with, other users.
  8. Engaging in any fundraising activity, endorsing any products or services, or participating in any political activity, unless authorized to do so as part of completing one’s assigned job duties and responsibilities.
  9. Allowing unauthorized or third parties to access the employer’s network and resources.

This policy allows room for limited and reasonable personal use of the internet. This privilege may be revoked at any time where it has been identified that this benefit has been abused.

Personal use shall not:

  1. Have a negative impact on user productivity or efficiency.
  2. Interfere with normal business operations.
  3. Exceed reasonable time limits, and will be limited to the employee’s break and lunch times.
  4. Cause expense or network slow downs.
  5. Compromise the integrity and security of the employer’s resources or assets.
  6. Conflict with any existing policies.

Employees must comply with the following security guidelines, rules, and regulations:

  1. Personal files or data downloaded from the internet may not be stored on hard drives or network file servers.
  2. Video and sound files must not be downloaded from the internet unless their use has been authorized for the purposes of conducting the employer’s business.
  3. Users must refrain from any online practices or procedures that would expose the network or resources to virus attacks, spyware, adware, malware, or hackers.

Violations of this Internet Acceptable Use Policy may result in one or more of the following:

  1. Temporary or permanent revoking of access to internet resources and/or other IT resources.
  2. Disciplinary action up to and including suspension or termination of employment.
  3. Legal action per federal or provincial laws.

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6.6      Email Best Practices Policy


The employer has adopted this policy to ensure that employees are provided with guidelines for the appropriate use of email communications.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to email best practices. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer strives to convey a professional image always, and will work to ensure that all forms of communication meet specific standards of professionalism, and are created using best practices. Employees are required to adhere to the following standards pertaining to email communication on behalf of the company:

  1. Employees are expected to ensure that all communications will be created using a consistently high level of professionalism.
  2. Email communications must be polite, and begin with an appropriate greeting (e.g. Hello, Dear, or Good Morning, etc.).
  3. Ensure that all messages use appropriate language. Inappropriate language found in communications may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
  4. Proof-read your emails before sending them. Use the spell check function to ensure that the message is free of unnecessary spelling errors. Where an email includes grammatical or spelling errors or is inaccurate, we risk the chance of being viewed as unprofessional and may potentially lose business or disappoint our customers.
  5. Use an appropriate and professional tone in the email messages. It is often very difficult to determine when a person is using humour, sarcasm, or irony in an email. Please note that emails that include humour may be misunderstood, and the effects may negatively impact our business.
  6. At all times, please avoid the use of the “All Caps” function, as messages sent using all CAPITALS is the e-mail version of yelling, and may be taken as offensive.
  7. Keep messages short, simple, clear and concise.
  8. Remember that when you send an email, it creates a permanent electronic record. Whatever is written in your email will be on the record for all time. Ensure that all messages sent are appropriate, and accurate in their content.
  9. While it’s common to use short-hand for personal notes, it is unacceptable for business communication. Standard abbreviations (including: e.g., Mrs., Mr., etc.) will continue to be acceptable, however, the use of excessive or colloquial abbreviations (LOL, ROFL, TTYL, BRB, etc.) is unacceptable.
  10. Ensure that all messages are sent only to the intended recipients.
  11. Emails that contain financial information (quotes, costs, etc.) must be checked for accuracy.
  12. Under no circumstances should confidential business information be sent out to any third party using email, without prior written authorization from management.
  13. Ensure that all passwords are maintained securely, and change your password a minimum of once each month. Do not share your password with others, including colleagues. Passwords should include letters, numbers and special characters.
  14. Alert management immediately of any breach in email security.
  15. Check your email frequently. If any emails are missed, there is the potential for lost business, miscommunications, or failure to complete required job duties.
  16. Mark spam messages appropriately and file them in the spam folder.
  17. Never reply to spam messages.
  18. Open attachments only from known senders.
  19. If the volume of spam becomes unmanageable, contact the department or individual in charge of managing the facility’s information technology in order that they may address the issue.
  20. Archive all messages that are older than three months.

Any email sent from a company computer and company email address is considered the property of the employer.  As such, management reserves the right to review all emails received and/or sent by their employees.

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6.7      Social Media Policy


This document is designed to provide employees with guidelines regarding the appropriate use of the organization’s social media pages and social media in general.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to social media. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer utilizes various social media applications, such as Facebook, Twitter. LinkedIn and Instagram as a means of communicating company information, including promotions and other marketing initiatives to customers, potential customers and the communities that it operates within. Use of social media is subject to strict guidelines to ensure confidential and proprietary information remains protected and that communication via online media is appropriate and consistent with the values and mission of the company.

The following guidelines shall govern employee use of social media applications.

  1. Do not disclose confidential or proprietary information on any company-operated social media page. Disclosure of confidential or proprietary information without prior authorization may result in immediate termination.
  2. Employees will be held responsible for what they write or post on any company social media page. Inflammatory comments, disparaging remarks, or negative/inappropriate language or posts will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  3. Employees are directed not to engage in discussions regarding competitors in the industry, legal issues in which the company is involved, or government issues related to the company and our industry without prior approval from management.
  4. Respect copyrights. Do not post text, images or video that were created by someone else without proper authorization. Direct questions about copyright law and/or usage of certain media to management.
  5. Social media is not a substitute for inter-company communications. Important information should be transmitted within normal company communication channels, not on Facebook etc.
  6. Social media is not a substitute for customer service. Please refer customers to the appropriate phone number and department instead of handling inquiries entirely through social media platforms.
  7. If an employee discovers any group(s) that users have formed to discuss the company, its products, or services, please bring them to the attention of management.
  8. If you have questions about how to respond to a specific post or group, discuss the issue with management prior to replying.
  9. Use good judgment when posting photos from company events. Notify any employees who are in photos so that they may approve the posting of the photos.
  10. Always adopt a positive attitude when responding to comments on the company’s pages or applications, or comments about the company in general.
  11. Only designated employees are eligible to post on the company social media platforms and respond to comments.

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6.8      Network Security Policy


The employer strives to protect company computer networks from both internal and external threats to their integrity, and to preserve confidentiality. This policy has been adopted to ensure that every reasonable effort has been taken to prevent and mitigate the effects of serious risks and potential costs associated with threats to networks and network resources.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to network security. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate the requirements for unionized employees. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Threats to the security of computer networks pose a significant risk to the organization’s ability to carry out its operations.

The network operates at the continual risk of intrusions such as, but not limited to, theft of confidential information, the spread of viruses and malware and other activities designed to damage and or destroy network functionality.

The employer has an obligation to exercise due diligence to protect sensitive data and may face legal action if personal and or confidential information is disclosed.

Network Users:

  • Comply with all employer policies.
  • Comply with all protocols regarding connection to company networks.

IT Department or Representative:

  • Act as the final authority on all network security related activities.
  • Oversee any investigations into alleged network security issues.
  • Develop protocols for tracking suspected network intrusions and test these methods for validity.
  • Work with appropriate authorities towards the identification and prosecution of groups and individuals involved in activities in violation of company policy and the law.
  • Post security alerts, network usage best practices and any other information required to protect the network.
  • Monitor all network traffic to detect any unauthorized activity, attempts at intrusion and compromised hardware in compliance with privacy and confidentiality policies.
  • Resolve any identified potential or actual problems in collaboration with appropriate managers.
  • Regularly test the network for vulnerabilities using appropriate tools.
  • Report any ongoing concerns to management.
  • Undertake any necessary upgrades and or repairs to the network to maintain network security.
  • Produce quarterly reports of all security related activities, concerns and or problems identified and resolved.
  • IT Department or representative contact information should be posted in all departments.

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SECTION 5 – Conduct Policies

5.1    Code Of Ethics Policy

5.2    Fraud Policy

5.3    Attendance Policy

5.4    Dress Code and Hygiene Plan

5.5    Conflict Resolution Policy

5.6    Conflict Of Interest Policy

5.7    Duty To Report Policy

5.8    Confidential Business Information And Intellectual Property Policy

5.9    Anti-Theft Policy

5.10    Acceptance of Gifts Policy

5.11  Nepotism Policy

5.12   Employee Relationship Policy

5.1      Code of Conduct and Business Ethics Policy


The intent of this policy is to communicate the employer’s commitment to conducting business in an open and ethical manner and to dictate workplace expectations and outline what the employer has determined to be unethical behaviours.

This document clarifies the responsibilities that the employer and its employees have to each other, to our partners and to our guests.  It helps us understand the responsibilities we share, and alerts us to important conduct issues that may arise.  You will not find every policy or standard here; however, the basic values and principles by which the hotel is guided are included in this document.


This policy applies to all employees at all times and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to this policy.  Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.

Compliance with local laws and the hotel’s policies, procedures and values are not optional.  All employees must follow them.

Every employee must report any violations of the Code of Conduct.  All personnel are prohibited from taking any action against an employee who reports a concern.

Disciplinary action, including termination of employment, may be taken against any employee who does not adhere to the hotel’s Code of Conduct and/or who knowingly makes a false report.


The employer has created a workplace built on ethical business practices, trust, accountability, and integrity.  It is the responsibility of every employee to maintain this code of ethics by supporting and actively participating in ethical operations in their day to day business.

The employer relies on its employees to always do the right thing to maintain our good name.  The vision of the hotel and every employee is to be the best in everything we do, individually and collectively.  All employees are to act professionally and with integrity.

The employer will maintain a strict zero tolerance policy against any wrongdoing or impropriety, and will immediately take the appropriate disciplinary action necessary to correct any identified problems.

If a violation of this policy occurs, the employer will use disciplinary measures that reflect the severity of the offence up to and including termination of employment.  Punitive measures including legal action may also be pursued.

Each employee should ask questions, raise concerns and report dishonest or improper conduct by employees, representatives, guests or suppliers.

Corporate Values


We are open and trustworthy in dealing with our guests, suppliers, and co-workers.

Health & Safety

We work safely in a manner that protects and promotes the health and well-being of the individual and the environment.


We work together in a coordinated effort to achieve our goals.

Individual Worth

We recognize and respect our individual team members and their contributions.


We are committed to providing our guests with exceptional service and will treat them with respect and dignity.  We consistently meet the needs of each individual guest with a professional, friendly, prompt, courteous and enthusiastic attitude.


We constantly pursue excellence in everything we do.


We work in an inclusive environment that embraces change, new ideas, and respect for the individual.


We earn sustainable financial results that enable profitable growth.


We are accountable – individually and collectively – for our behaviour, actions and results.

Guide to Business Conduct

Management Responsibility

All members of management must demonstrate a commitment to the hotel’s values through their actions.  They must also promote an environment where compliance is expected and valued.

Respect and Fair Treatment

Every employee must respect the people and cultures with whom or which they work.  Relationships among employees in the workplace must be business-like and free of any bias, prejudice or harassment.

The hotel gives equal opportunity for employment to all individuals, regardless of their race, religion, colour, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability.  This fair treatment applies to all phases of the employment relationship.

Protection and Proper Use of the Hotel’s Assets

All employees should protect the hotel’s assets and ensure their efficient use.  All hotel assets are to be used only for legitimate business purposes.


The hotel does not tolerate any form of harassment.  It may take many forms, all of which are unacceptable.  Examples of harassment are:

  • Jokes, insults, threats and other unwelcome actions about a person’s race, colour, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, social and economic status or educational background.
  • Sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Verbal or physical conduct that upsets another employee’s work performance or creates a fearful or hostile work environment.

For additional information on harassment, please see the Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Policy.

A violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including possible immediate termination, without additional warning.  Every employee must sign an agreement, promising to comply with all the policies listed in the Code.

Reporting Possible Violations of the Code of Conduct

If you have questions about this code of conduct or concern about a co-worker’s conduct, first contact your manager. If you do not feel comfortable doing that, contact one of the following:

  • General Manager
  • Head Office

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5.2      Fraud Policy


The employer has adopted this policy to ensure the ongoing success of the organization, and to protect the best interests of the organization, staff and clients. The employer is committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, integrity and ethical conduct. The purpose of this document is to communicate the hotel’s policy regarding the investigation of suspected misconduct and dishonesty by employees, and to provide specific instructions regarding appropriate action in the case of suspected violations.


This policy applies to the employer and its employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees shall adhere to their current Collective Agreement for policies governing fraud. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members of the employer shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Fraud, misconduct and dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

  • Forgery or alteration of any document or account belonging to the hotel
  • Forgery or alteration of a cheque, bank draft or any other financial document
  • Theft of funds, securities, supplies, food and beverage inventory, or any other asset
  • Irregularity in the handling or reporting of money or financial transactions
  • Destruction, theft or inappropriate use of furniture, fixtures and equipment
  • Disclosing confidential information to outside parties
  • Seeking or accepting anything of material value from vendors or contractors doing or attempting to do business with the hotel
  • Any computer-related activity involving the alteration, destruction, forgery or manipulation of data for fraudulent purposes
  • Any similar or related inappropriate conduct.

Mechanisms used in the prevention and detection of fraud include, but are not limited to:

  • Process monitoring;
  • Random auditing;
  • Supervision and review;
  • Provision of appropriate training for new and existing staff;
  • Written policies and procedures;
  • Segregation of duties and mandatory annual vacation;
  • Reconciliation of accounts; and
  • Review of audits and financial records.

In the event an employee encounters or suspects fraudulent activity, they are required to report this information immediately to management. Management, when made aware of such potential acts by subordinates, must immediately report to the General Manager. The report shall be investigated thoroughly and maintained confidentially.

The hotel strictly forbids any reprisal against any employee who reports a suspected fraudulent activity.

Employees shall not attempt to investigate a suspected fraud or discuss the matter with anyone other than the person to whom the fraud was reported.

An allegation of fraud is a serious matter.  Employees who knowingly make false allegations will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

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5.3      Attendance Policy


The objective of this policy is to address and/or correct absenteeism and attendance issues before they become counterproductive and/or disruptive to the company.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specifics concerning attendance.  Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate attendance requirements for unionized employees.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer places a high value on attendance and punctuality, and expects all employees to arrive at work on time every day they are scheduled.

Every role is essential to the successful operation of our hotels; therefore, punctuality and attendance are vital to ensuring the successful operations of the company. The employer requires employees to report to work 10-15 minutes prior to the beginning of their shift in order to properly familiarize themselves with the events of the day and to receive any updated instructions that will be relevant during their shift.

In order to help ensure employees arrive on time for their scheduled shifts, management will make certain that weekly schedules are posted at least 48 hours in advance of the employee’s first scheduled shift of the week. Should an employee wish to make a request for day(s) off they are required to fill out a request form and deliver it to their department manager before the posting of the schedule. Management will do their best to accommodate all requests; however, there may be times where these requests may not be granted due to staffing coverage and scheduling difficulties.

It is expected that employees will be in uniform and ready to work prior to signing in at the beginning of their shift.

The sign in/out system is called Advance Tracker and is in the staff room of each property. Management will ensure each staff member is set up in the system and receives adequate training to enable them to use the tracking system.  Employees who encounter difficulties signing in or out are requested to notify the on shift manager immediately.  It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that they are signed in and out.

The employer considers an employee absent if he or she does not attend work as scheduled, regardless of cause.

  1. Each employee is responsible for notifying management when an absence occurs, regardless of cause and is also responsible for reporting when he or she is likely to return to work. Absences without excuse will not be tolerated and are subject to progressive corrective action up to and including termination.
  2. An employee who does not intend to report to work because of illness, or any other reason must notify his/her on-shift manager a minimum of three hours prior to their scheduled starting time. Failure to provide required notification of any absence whatsoever may result in disciplinary action.
  3. Employees who anticipate being late for work must inform the on-shift manager immediately upon becoming aware that they will be late.
  4. Employees who are absent for more than three consecutive days are required to submit a note from a licensed physician or medical practitioner stating the nature of the illness and/or medical condition that led to the absence. Employees absent due to a work-related illness or injury may be required to submit to a physical examination before returning to work.
  5. Any employee who remains absent for more than three consecutive shifts without contacting the company, shall be considered as having abandoned their shift and resigned his or her position.
  6. Any employee who has been absent due to illness or injury for more than 10 days per calendar year shall have their attendance record reviewed; he or she may be required to submit a physician’s note or other medical evidence to validate additional sick days for that year.
  7. Abuse of sick days will not be tolerated. Management has been instructed to remain vigilant in the following sick leave patterns:
  • Absence on weekends where the employee is scheduled to work.
  • Absences the day before and/or the day after scheduled vacation day(s) or statutory holiday(s).
  • Absences the day immediately following a pay day.
  • Situations where the absence(s) coincides with requested days off that were not granted.
  1. Unexcused and/or unauthorized absences will result in the employee forfeiting his or her pay for the duration of the absence.

Each department is required to accurately maintain its own set of attendance records.  Management will periodically examine these records to ensure that attendance issues do not continue unabated.

Disciplinary action for excessive absenteeism, poor attendance, or other violations of this policy shall be administered per the Progressive Discipline Policy.

Relevant Documents:

Progressive Discipline Policy

Employee Leave Policy

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5.4      Dress Code & Personal Hygiene Policy


The employer requires all employees to present themselves in a professional manner, with respect to clothing, personal hygiene and appearance.  These standards commensurate with our organizational practices of appropriate business conduct and professionalism.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

To ensure consistency and equality, the employer will attempt to include dress code requirements of current Collective Agreements. Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specifics concerning dress code and personal hygiene.  Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate dress code and personal hygiene requirements for unionized employees. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Employees are expected to adhere to established hygiene requirements which ensure that employees are presenting themselves to our guests appropriately and that the employer is being properly and professionally represented as an organization. The following hygiene requirements are applicable to all employees:

  • Maintain personal cleanliness by bathing regularly.
  • Oral hygiene (brushing of teeth) required.
  • Use deodorant/antiperspirant to minimize body odours.
  • No heavily scented perfumes, colognes and lotions. These can cause allergic reactions, migraines and respiratory difficulty for other employees and guests.
  • Clean and trimmed fingernails (¼ inch long or less).

Employees are expected to consult their manager for specific wardrobe requirements pertaining to their location and hotel of employment. The following minimum guidelines pertaining to appearance must be adhered to by every employee regardless of location of employment:

  • Clothing must be clean, pressed, in good condition and fit appropriately.
  • Socks or pantyhose/tights must be worn with shoes and match the colour of the pants or shoes.
  • Open toe shoes are not permitted. Wearing high-heeled shoes is not recommended.
  • Neat and groomed hair, sideburns, moustache and beards (no extreme artificial colours).Departmental grooming policies supersedes this policy.
  • Long hair must be tied back and away from the face if operating equipment or working in a food and beverage department.
  • Clothing must not interfere with the operation of equipment.
  • Limited jewellery and no dangling or large hoop jewellery that may create a safety hazard. A general rule of thumb is that if a pencil can be passed through a hoop earring it is not safe to wear near operating equipment.
  • Commonly accepted body piercings are allowable, but acceptance is at the discretion of an employee’s direct report.
  • Tattoos that are perceived as offensive, hostile or that diminish the effectiveness of the employee’s professionalism must be covered and not visible to staff, customers or guests.
  • Uniforms will be supplied to employees required to wear them, and they will be laundered and kept in proper repair by the employer at no charge to the employee.

The following items are not permitted to be worn on-shift by employees:

  • Sweat or jogging pants
  • Sleeveless shirts
  • Pants that expose the midriff or underwear
  • Leggings
  • Shorts
  • Low-cut tops
  • Halter tops
  • Spaghetti strap tops
  • Tops that expose the midriff or underwear
  • Any form of clothing that is mesh, sheer, see-through, torn or otherwise revealing
  • Any form of clothing that is generally offensive, controversial, disruptive or otherwise distracting
  • Any form of clothing that is overtly commercial, contains political, personal or offensive messages
  • Flip-flops or sandals

It is within management’s discretion to send an employee home (without pay) to change if they arrive to work in what is deemed to be inappropriate attire.

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5.5      Conflict Resolution Policy


This policy is intended to provide employees with an outlet to raise concerns regarding any conflict in the workplace or dissatisfaction with respect to issues related to their employment. Under no circumstance should any employee fear discrimination or reprisal in the workplace because of filing a complaint.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to this policy. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer is committed to providing a workplace free of conflict, where employees are treated with fairness, dignity and respect. The following conflicts should be reported to management who will strive to address them in a timely manner with reasonable resolutions:

  • Disputes with co-workers or management with unwanted or unresolved consequences.
  • Perceived unfair or inequitable treatment.
  • Harassment whether sexual, discriminatory, or personal in nature.
  • Abuse of authority.
  • Conditions regarding employment, or tangible job actions such as:
  • Wages
  • Working conditions
  • The administration of company policies
  • Perceived unfair or inequitable treatment
  • Written or final warnings
  • Demotion
  • Termination

Please note that conflicts relating to workplace harassment (sexual or racial) should be reported as outlined in the Workplace Anti-Harassment/Bullying Policy.

Employees are encouraged to discuss unwanted behaviour or actions with the offending party as the situation dictates. Where the employee does not feel comfortable speaking directly with the individual about the issue, or the matter concerns their manager, then they are requested to seek guidance from another member of the management team.

If a discussion is not feasible or fails to reach a reasonable resolution, a formal complaint may be filed with the general manager and the formal conflict review process will be initiated as detailed below.

Complainants should record the details of the unwanted circumstance(s), the names of any applicable witnesses, and any attempts made to resolve the issue.

Formal complaints must be submitted within 10 business days from the date of the alleged incident(s) and will be reviewed and investigated with a written response to the complainant being provided within a reasonable timeframe (usually 10 business days from receipt of the formal complaint). The written response will indicate the process that will be followed to resolve the issue.  In all cases where formal complaints have been lodged, it is important to maintain a policy of strict confidentiality.


  • Are required to fully comply with the Conflict/Dispute Resolution Policy.
  • Shall be treated fairly throughout the process, as either a complainant, or alleged offending party.
  • Shall be responsible for maintaining confidentiality regarding their involvement, and the complaint itself.
  • Shall co-operate with any investigations in relation to complaints.


  • Shall be responsible for enacting preventative measures to ensure a fair and equitable workplace, and for the communication of policy and procedures and performance expectations.
  • Shall promptly address all formal complaints regarding harassment or discrimination pursuant to the company’s Workplace Anti-Harassment/Bullying Policy.
  • If the complainant and the offending party are engaged in a subordinate-supervisor relationship, management will physically remove the parties from working together on a temporary basis, and may require a longer-term change in their reporting relationship.
  • Will investigate any complaints, claims and documentation therein.
  • Will attempt to reach a reasonable resolution to the conflict.
  • Will inform the complainant and the offending party of possible resolutions available.

If a complaint is substantiated and a reasonable solution through mediation is not possible, the following disciplinary actions may be taken for the offending party based upon the specifics of the situation:

  • Verbal warning/reprimand.
  • Written warning/reprimand.
  • Transfer or demotion, and in some instances both a transfer and a demotion.
  • Introduction of a performance improvement plan (PIP).
  • Education and training.
  • Termination of employment.

If a complaint is not substantiated due to lack of evidence or other reasons, both parties shall be informed of the rationale used to reach the decision. The complainant shall be notified first. A complainant may request that the investigation be re-opened if pertinent new evidence can be provided, or a reprisal due to the allegation has occurred.

The employer shall keep in the employee’s personnel file all formal complaints, accompanying documentation and the findings of any investigation.

Employees should be cognizant of the fact that a formal complaint against another employee is a serious allegation with the potential for repercussions. Where a complaint is found to be either false or frivolous, or where supporting documentation for a complaint has been falsified, the complainant and/or witness may be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment.

Anonymous complaints will not be reviewed nor shall complaints submitted on behalf of an affected employee. Employees are required to assume responsibility for their own concerns within the workplace.

The employer cannot guarantee that an employee’s specific complaint will be resolved in the manner that they request, or that they will be satisfied with the resolution; but management can assure a fair and ethical process.

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5.6      Conflict of Interest Policy


The employer has adopted this policy to ensure that our business interests are protected and employee productivity is maintained through the mitigation of potential and perceived conflicts of interest.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to this policy. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate conflict of interest procedures for unionized employees. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer generally allows employees to pursue secondary employment when such employment causes no adverse effects to the employee’s performance at the employer; when the secondary work is performed before or after the employee’s regularly scheduled working hours; and where the secondary work does not create a conflict of interest.

  • Any employee that wishes to work part-time, or for any amount of time before or after their regularly scheduled work with the company should discuss the matter with their manager prior to their acceptance of a secondary employment offer.
  • The employee may be required to disclose information pertaining to the proposed secondary employment to allow the employer to review the situation. The review will simply ensure that there is no conflict of interest.
  • To ensure the safe-keeping of our trade-secrets and confidential information, employees are strictly prohibited from seeking secondary employment with any organization that competes either directly or indirectly with the company, or who conducts business that is like the employer’s. This requirement is in keeping with the employer’s employment contracts and agreements.
  • Advance written permission to have additional employment with any organization that conducts business with the employer, its suppliers, or dealers must be obtained from management. Failure to obtain advance written permission may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
  • Due to the health and safety risks associated with fatigue, the employer encourages employees to have eight consecutive hours free from work for rest, prior to reporting for regularly scheduled work with the employer.

If any employee has reason to believe that a conflict of interest has occurred or is possible, it is their duty to report the situation to their manager. Employer policies strictly prohibit any retaliation for fulfilling this obligation.

  • Employees should avoid any interest, investment or association that creates a conflict of interest.
  • Employees should avoid the creation of any personal, direct or indirect interest or relationship with any organization that competes with the employer, or provides products and/or services to it.

Managers are directed to take all appropriate steps to prevent and stop conflicts of interest in their areas of responsibility. Any manager who is subject to, witnesses, or is given written or verbal complaints of a conflict of interest shall work to minimize or eliminate the issue at hand.  If this is not possible with the available resources, the manager is required to report the conflict of interest to the general manager of their hotel.

The employer seeks to resolve claims of conflicts of interest as expediently as possible. Investigations shall be conducted and the appropriate actions taken no later than ten business days following the filing of a complaint.

Addressing complaints shall be accomplished through the following methods:

  • Determining whether a reported act is indeed a conflict of interest.
  • Resolving the conflict of interest.
  • Administering punitive or corrective actions as appropriate.
  • Administering punitive actions if allegations were knowingly falsely made.
  • Updating the policy for any new conflict of interest situations.

After an investigation, a written report will be prepared which will include a statement of findings and a determination of whether this policy has been violated. The report shall be presented for review to law enforcement officials or legal counsel, as necessary.  The employer will keep the report for a minimum of seven years specifically to ensure it is available for any administrative or legal actions pending.

This policy encourages employees to report any conflicts of interest encountered in their employment with the organization. Retaliation against the complainant is strictly prohibited and will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Retaliation by the respondent, or anyone acting on behalf of the respondent, against any witness providing information about a conflict of interest report, is also strictly prohibited. Acts of retaliation include, but are not limited to, interference, coercion, threats and restraint.

This Conflict of Interest Policy will not be used to bring fraudulent or malicious complaints against employees. Any complaint made in bad faith, if demonstrated as being such through convincing evidence, will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of the individual lodging the fraudulent or malicious complaint.

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5.7      Duty to Report Policy


The employer is committed to integrity and ethical behaviour in the workplace, and will foster and maintain an environment where employees can work safely and appropriately, without fear of retaliation.

This policy has been adopted to ensure that all employees understand that they may report any wrongdoing that may adversely impact the employer, guests, shareholders, employees, investors, or the public at large, without fear of retaliation or concern that making a report will negatively impact their employment status. Reports of workplace wrongdoing may be made to management anonymously.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Unionized employees are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for specific information pertaining to their duty to report. Where a Collective Agreement is silent on the issue, this policy shall dictate duty to report requirements for unionized employees. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Individuals who believe they have witnessed an act or acts of wrongdoing should report the incident(s) immediately to management. Any delays in reporting acts of wrongdoing can make the case more difficult to establish. However, the employer is aware that timely responses may not always be possible so individuals who believe that they have witnessed workplace wrongdoing should lodge a complaint within one week following an alleged incident. Under extreme circumstances, this timeline may be extended to one month at the request of the complainant; however, it is the responsibility of the complainant to show good reasons for this extension.

It is a violation for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of wrongdoing or to provide false information about a complaint. Individuals who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary and/or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.

Management is directed to take all appropriate steps to prevent and stop wrongdoing in their areas of responsibility. Management representatives who are subjected to, witness, or are given written or oral complaints of wrongdoing or retaliation shall immediately report it to their general manager. General management will report directly to the President. Delays in reporting may be unavoidable in some circumstances (to be determined on a case-by-case basis) but should occur as soon as possible.

This policy encourages employees to freely express their thoughts, opinions, and feelings regarding workplace wrongdoing. Retaliation by the respondent or anyone acting on their behalf, against the complainant or a witness is strictly prohibited and will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Acts of retaliation include, but are not limited to, interference, coercion, threats, and restraint.

Once a complaint has been made to management, a confidential meeting will be held to determine the facts from the complainant’s perspective. During this discussion, management will explain all options available to the complainant. If the complainant wishes to proceed further with his or her complaint, the complainant must then provide a written statement regarding the alleged workplace wrongdoing.

Management may notify the respondent of the complaint, keeping all such communication confidential. Management may then implement whatever steps necessary to create an informal resolution that is acceptable to both the complainant and respondent.

Management is responsible for:

  • Determining the validity of allegations of wrongdoing or retaliation.
  • Determining whether a reported act is indeed wrongdoing.
  • Administering punitive or corrective actions if allegations are true.
  • Administering punitive actions if allegations were knowingly falsely made.
  • Ensuring the completed report is put into the employee’s files and,
  • The appropriate policy is updated to prevent a reoccurrence.

In more serious work place wrong doings, the respondent will have two working days to respond, in writing, to the allegation. The respondent’s statement must provide specific responses to each complaint, either admitting, denying, or explaining the allegations against them. The respondent must sign his or her statement, which will then be attached to the original complaint.

If a formal hearing is warranted, it will be held within ten business days after receiving the formal complaint. Dependent on the outcome of the hearing, external parties (police, lawyer) may become involved in the matter. Where necessary, investigations will be conducted, and the appropriate actions taken no later than ten business days following the filing of a complaint or at the completion of the investigation, whichever is sooner.

Wherever and whenever investigations are conducted, this policy asserts that complainants and respondents have certain rights including, but not limited to:

  • Receiving written notice of the allegations (where permitted by law).
  • Having a thorough and objective investigation properly completed.
  • Receiving a copy of the report after the investigation (where permitted by law) which will include a statement regarding all findings that have been proven, and a statement of decision on whether the policy has been violated. The report shall be presented for review to any/all authorities and/or legal counsel, as appropriate.

The employer will do everything it can to protect the privacy of the individuals involved and to ensure that the complainant and the respondent are treated fairly and respectfully. The employer will protect this privacy so long as doing so remains consistent with the enforcement of this policy and adherence to the law.

Upon concluding that an instance of workplace wrongdoing has indeed occurred, the respondent will be subject to disciplinary action, which may result in suspension of duties, or termination of employment and possible legal action depending on the severity of the action. Disciplinary actions imposed by management will be determined based on the facts of each case and the extent of harm to the employer’s staff, interests, property and business goals.

Records of all formal and informal resolutions, hearings, and reviews will be kept in the personnel files of the employees involved in the investigation. The records will only be available to managerial members of the appropriate department, and only in the following circumstances:

  • When determining an appropriate disciplinary action for a complaint of a subsequent wrongdoing.
  • When a respondent is a candidate for promotion to a supervisory position.
  • When a complaint against retaliatory action is made.
  • When a decision or resolution is reviewed.

Any records concerning employees will be maintained in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Both the complainant and the respondent are eligible to obtain copies of hearings or of their own statements made throughout the course of the remediation process.

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5.8      Confidential Business Information and Intellectual Property Policy


The employer has adopted this policy to clarify the proprietary rights pertaining to business information and intellectual property.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to this policy. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Intellectual Property – means trade secrets, computer software, confidential information, inventions, designs, copyrightable works and trademarks.

Confidential Information – means all non-public information of the brand, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing: the source code, object code, notes, working papers and files in any form that the employee creates on his own or in cooperation with others in the course of his/her employment in the hotel, non-public information relating to software, hardware or other products whether such products are released, unreleased or demonstration versions; non-public product marketing information, financial information, pricing information, business plans, business methods and business practices; identities of the brand’s clients (including client lists), suppliers and licensors and information about relationships with the brand’s clients, suppliers and licensors; information received from a third party that the brand is obligated to treat as confidential; all written information which is marked as confidential or proprietary by the brand and all oral information which is identified as confidential or proprietary by the brand.

Any information relating to the company that is freely in the public domain may not be considered “confidential business information”. If an employee can prove that information was possessed before it was received from the employer, or that information was gained from an unrelated third party, said information will not be classified as “confidential business information”.

It is understood that employees may become aware of company trade-secrets and proprietary material through the course of their employment with the company. It is further understood that such information may have a significant relationship with the competitive edge that the employer maintains. Upon hire, each employee will be required to sign an employment contract with the organization including a non-disclosure and non-compete agreement. Employees agree that if the company’s trade secrets and proprietary material are not effectively protected, the operation of the employer’s brand may be threatened, and the company may subsequently suffer significant and irreparable losses in the marketplace.

All employees are required to keep all proprietary information and relevant trade-secrets of both the company and its customers confidential both during and after their term of employment with the company. It is also expected that employees will not compete with the company during their employment and for a reasonable period following the termination of their employment.

To protect confidentiality, the employer shall retain ownership rights to all information created for business purposes, regardless of the media used to create it, or the location of said information. Similarly, the employer retains ownership rights to all forms of intellectual property created by employees while working for the employer, regardless of the time, intent or location of its creation.

Employees shall not divulge, disclose, provide or disseminate business information to any third party at any time, unless the employer gives written authorization. Furthermore, business information shall not be used for any purpose other than its reasonable use in the normal performance of employment duties.

All business is intended to be performed using employer owned and operated property, including computers, telephones, letter-head, laptops etc. All information contained in, created or transmitted by employer owned and operated property is the sole property of the company.

Employees are prohibited from using personally owned equipment or property for the creation, transmission or storage of company business information.

If an employee creates, stores or transmits company business information on personally owned property, including, but not limited to, laptop computers, desktop computers, mobile telephones, memory cards, notebooks, PDAs, or loose-leaf paper, etc., the business information will remain the express property of the employer.

The employer reserves the right to inspect and/or audit the property of employees while on premise, where it is either known that they use personally owned property for the purposes of conducting company business, or where it is reasonably suspected that such properties contain company business information. These inspections/audits may be conducted at any time, with or without notice. These inspections/audits are not intended as a punitive measure and are used only for the protection of the employer’s business interests.

Upon retirement, resignation, layoff or termination, employees shall promptly return, without duplicating or summarizing, all material pertaining to the employer’s business that is in their possession including, but not limited to: all customer lists, physical property, documents, keys, electronic information, storage media, manuals, letters, notes and reports.

If a device containing company business information is password protected, the employee will be required to provide the correct user name and password for the device.

Intellectual Property

  • Employees agree that any work they have created, or assisted in the creation of, at the behest of the employer including but not limited to, software, sales materials, user manuals, training materials, and any written or visual work constitutes work made for hire, and that the employer therefore holds the rights to said works.
  • Employees cannot reproduce or publish these works, unless it is necessary to comply with normal employment duties.
  • Employees agree that any inventions, discoveries, technology or ideas developed while under the employ of the employer are owned by the employer.
  • Employees must sign all assignments and documents intended to establish the employer’s ownership of the invention, discovery, technology or idea.
  • Employees must permit the employer to obtain and retain patents, copyrights, trademarks and other indications of ownership without any further claim towards the discovery, technology, invention, or idea.
  • If an employee has developed any technology, invention, discovery or idea prior to employment with the employer, they are required to report, and claim ownership of it before their employment begins.

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5.9      Anti-Theft


This policy is intended to communicate the seriousness with which the employer handles reports of theft and will provide reporting guidelines, anti-theft measures and disciplinary measures to be utilized by the company for substantiated claims.


This policy applies to the employer, its employees, contractors, volunteers and any individual acting on behalf of the employer always and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to this policy. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


The employer will not tolerate the theft of property whether it is physical, intellectual, or the property of an employee or a visitor on the premises. Theft is a criminal offence and a serious violation of the employer’s standards of conduct and will result in either immediate suspension or termination of employment and possible criminal prosecution.

Theft affects everyone; it increases costs, decreases morale and threatens overall feelings of safety. Additional expenses related to product replacement, investigations, surveillance materials, and ensuing audits reduces funds that could otherwise be available for enhancements to benefits, training allowances, salaries and improvement to property, as well as for charities and other worthwhile programs.

The employer has a zero-tolerance policy towards theft.  Any employee, visitor, contractor or guest that is found to have violated this Anti-Theft Policy will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and if employed by the company, will be subject to immediate suspension or termination with cause and without compensation.

When dealing with an allegation of theft, the action taken will depend upon the nature of the concern and may be subject to an internal investigation by management or an internal audit, and/or, the involvement of the police.

The investigation will give due consideration to the following:

  • Resources required to investigate the allegation;
  • Legal status of the allegation (i.e. theft, breach of procedure);
  • Internal disciplinary procedures;
  • Level of evidence required;
  • Protection of data and documents;
  • Minimizing the effect on the employer’s day to day business operations;
  • Recovery of any lost funds and minimizing the potential for further loss;
  • Review of any organizational improvements required to prevent reoccurrence.

Any employee who witnesses a theft or has reasonable suspicion that a theft has taken place is required to report the incident(s) immediately to their on-shift manager. All reports will be treated as strictly confidential and the informant will be protected from reprisal.

Failure to report any incidences of theft will be viewed as both gross negligence of duties and potentially as an accessory to the crime, and will be subject to legal, punitive or corrective action.

Anti-Theft Measures


The employer utilizes security cameras, computer surveillance and email and internet tracking to protect our employees and corporate physical and intellectual properties.

Security Identification

All employees are required to wear appropriate corporate name badges to provide a visible method of identification, such that our employees and security staff can readily recognize the presence of intruders and potential threats to the workplace.

Auditing for Fraud and Theft

The employer shall perform random audits that focus on high-risk areas of fraud. The audits are designed to reduce fraud and theft and the associated loss of revenue. The following areas will be subject to random audits:

  • Expense reports
  • Electronic data
  • Payroll
  • Purchasing
  • Sales
  • Accounts receivable
  • Customer complaints
  • Cash
  • Inventory

If management receives a report of theft or has a reasonable suspicion that fraud or theft has occurred, the employer reserves the right to inspect and search the employee’s personal property (files, electronic media, lockers, desks and cubicles).

Relevant Documents

Duty to Report Policy

Code of Ethics Policy

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5.10    Acceptance of Gifts Policy


The employer has adopted this policy to avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest that may arise from the acceptance of gifts from clients and guests and/or prospective clients or guests.


This policy applies to all employees always and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to this policy. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Gift – Any item, product or service offered by any current or potential customer, guest or vendor, which may include, but not be limited to: money, services, discounts, meals, tickets to events, favours, or any other physical item that carries a monetary value in excess of $100.00.


To maintain ethical standards and to avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest, employees of the company are prohibited from accepting gifts, money, discounts, meals, tickets to events or favours including a benefit to family members, friends or business associates in return for providing services the company would normally receive payment for. The exception to this policy is the acceptance of promotional gifts or gifts with a monetary value of less than $25.00 for example, promotional coffee mugs or other company branded items or the occasional working lunch.

Employees are directed to report to their manager any potential conflict of interest, customer attempt to create bias, or offer of a gift with a monetary value more than $100.00 that occurs in the performance of their regular job duties, or while off-duty, but acting as a representative of the organization. Reports must also be generated for all situations that involve requested attendance at events, receipt of gifts or meals from any vendors or potential vendors or their agents or representatives. The reporting and documentation must include the purpose of the meeting, meal, gift, event etc., and those in attendance.

In the event that any employee receives a gift that carries a monetary value in excess of $25.00, they are directed to return it to the sender with written acknowledgement of the gift, and politely decline the gift by making reference to the employer’s Conflict of Interest Policy unless otherwise discussed with the property specific general manager.

Where the employee is unable to return the gift, the gift must be forwarded to their manager for documentation, and donation for charitable purposes.  A letter will be generated and forwarded to the individual or business that provided the gift to inform them of the employer’s Acceptance of Gifts Policy and will provide details of the decision to donate the gift to charity.

Employees are encouraged to conduct business during regular office hours, either on premises, or in meetings at a pre-determined client or vendor facility. The employer recognizes that circumstances may arise where employees are required to conduct business over lunch or dinner, where this form of meeting is specifically requested. In these circumstances, employees are required to report these meetings to their manager to receive authorization for attendance.

Employees are requested to pay for their own meal and submit a business expense form. Employees should not accept complimentary meals from any person or organization that has a business interest with the employer, as this may create a real or perceived conflict of interest.

Employees are prohibited from accepting tickets to, and/or attending cultural, social, charitable, political, recreational, or sporting events at the expense of any customer or vendor with a current business interest in the employer without prior authorization from management.

If any employee is requested by a customer or vendor to attend an event, where this event presents a potential benefit to the employer’s business interests, the employee must direct a written request to attend the event to their manager with a detailed rationale for attendance. Where the request receives approval, the employer shall pay the cost of the ticket or entry fee for the event.

If any employee is offered tickets to an event where the party offering the tickets will not be in attendance, or where there is no expectation that business will be conducted at the event, the offer must be politely declined using reference to this policy.

Relevant Document

Conflict of Interest Policy

Code of Ethics Policy

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5.11    Nepotism Policy


The employer will strive to ensure that fair hiring practices are always utilized by the organization. To ensure that our organization and its hiring processes are free of any conflict of interest, we have adopted this policy to ensure that nepotism does not occur.


This policy applies to the employer, its employees and potential candidates for employment always and without exception.

Bargaining members are requested to refer to their current Collective Agreement for procedures and guidelines pertaining to this policy. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members shall refer to the contents of this policy.  In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.

This policy has been developed to incorporate the legislative requirements of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario and shall be updated accordingly should the employer expand its operations into additional provinces.


  • Nepotism – Favoritism granted to relatives or close friends, usually in the form of hiring practices, and employment activities.
  • Conflict of Interest – With respect to this policy, a conflict of interest exists when an individual can gain a special advantage due to being a relative or close friend of another employee, or conversely, where the employer is at risk because two or more employees are relatives. In the hiring and employment of relatives, conflict of interest situations include:
  1. Any influence exercised directly or indirectly by an employee in the selection and hiring process in which their friend or relative is a candidate;
  2. A direct or indirect supervisory relationship;
  3. The ability of one family member to influence or exert financial or administrative control over another;
  4. The ability of one family member to influence human resource matters including, but not limited to, performance reviews, preferred work assignments, promotions, reclassifications, disciplinary matters, special leaves, and/or access to additional hours and/or overtime; and/or
  5. Relatives that are employed in positions that establish a real or potential security, confidentiality, or financial risk to the employer.
  • Family Member – For the purposes of this policy, immediate family members shall be defined as: Wife, Husband, Mother, Step-Mother, Father, Step-Father, Brother, Step-Brother, Sister, Step-Sister, Son, Step-Son, Daughter, Step-Daughter, Nephew, Niece or any In-Laws.
  • Direct Reporting Relationship – A direct reporting relationship occurs when an employee reports directly to a friend or family member who is part of the management team.
  • Indirect Reporting Relationship – An indirect reporting relationship occurs when an employee reports to a supervisor and the supervisor reports to a manager; thus, the employee indirectly reports to the manager.


In accordance with the Human Rights Code of Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta, the employer will not discriminate in its hiring practices on the basis that a person is a relative or close friend of a current employee. To this end, relatives and close friends of employees are eligible for employment if a direct or indirect supervisor/subordinate reporting relationship is not created between such employees.

The employer will ensure fair hiring practices by:

  • Ensuring the hiring process is open and equitable, and candidates are selected in accordance with the employer’s’ hiring-related policies;
  • Accepting applications from, and considering a member of an employee’s immediate family and close friends for employment if the candidate has all the requisite qualifications;
  • Not directly or indirectly influencing the selection and hiring process in which their relative and/or close friend is a candidate;
  • Having managers exclude themselves from any hiring process where their relative and/or close friend is a candidate;

If a real or perceived conflict of interest arises due to marriage/cohabitation, or if two or more related employees work in a situation where there is a real or perceived conflict of interest:

  1. The employees will notify their manager of the situation.
  2. The manager will work to assess the situation and determine whether there is a real or perceived conflict of interest. If there is a real or perceived conflict of interest, head office and/or the general manager will be informed.
  3. Head office and the general manager, in consultation with the employee’s immediate manager will make reasonable efforts to investigate suitable options for both employees.

If two related employees or two employees in a relationship are working in a real or perceived conflict of interest and fail to notify their manager, they may be subject to disciplinary action. If a manager has knowledge of a relationship between two employees where a real or perceived conflict of interest exists, the manager will address the concern with the employees and then notify the general manager. If the manager fails to notify the general manager, the manager may face disciplinary action.

Relevant Documents

Recruitment Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Employee Relationship Policy

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5.12    Employee Relationship Policy


The purpose of this policy to communicate the expectations for professional conduct with respect to employees who are in a personal relationship with a colleague.


This policy applies to all employees and is effective once a romantic relationship begins between two employees. The employer appreciates that the workplace is a common place to meet and begin a relationship but expects a certain amount of decorum surrounding such relationships.

Unionized employees shall adhere to their current Collective Agreement for policies governing employee relationships. Where the Collective Agreement is silent, bargaining members of the employer shall refer to the contents of this policy. In situations where the directions of this policy cover issues also in the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will be the final authority.


Employees engaging in romantic relationships and employees that become married or live in the same household may continue their employment with the employer provided that there is neither a direct or indirect managerial/subordinate relationship between the employees, or a conflict of interest, real or imagined, created as a result of the relationship.

If either a managerial/subordinate, or conflict of interest issue arises, the employer will work with the employees to accommodate them in a reasonable fashion. Possible resolution may require one of the employees to transfer to another position within the company. If this is not possible, one of the employees may be required to resign and seek employment elsewhere.

It is expected that employees that are in a romantic relationship with a colleague will always conduct themselves in a professional manner. Failing to do so will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of one or both parties.

Relevant Document

Recruitment Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Nepotism Policy

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Online Reservations